TSL scientists publish their work in a wide range of academic journals.
We are strong supporters of open access science and open access publishing. TSL is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA; and actively encourages researchers to use prepublication peer review (preprint servers) and publish in Open Access journals. We publish preprints regularly on bioRxiv and other preprint servers.
Reversible ubiquitination of integrated domain controls paired NLR immune receptor complex homeostasis
Discovery of functional NLRs using expression level, high-throughput transformation, and large-scale phenotyping
Burkholderia Tolerate Nature's Tearful Defense in the Allium Chemical Arms Race
Bioengineering secreted proteases convert divergent Rcr3 orthologs and paralogs into extracellular immune co-receptors
A disease resistance protein triggers oligomerization of its NLR helper into a hexameric resistosome to mediate innate immunity