Postdoctoral Scientist
Julie Lintz

I am interested in plant-pathogen interactions and disease resistance bioengineering. My research is focussed on bioengineering plants for enhanced disease resistance, targeting molecular interactions between host plants and pathogens. More precisely, in my current project at TSL, I am involved in the design of NLR immune receptors and engineering tools to detect pathogen effectors and fortify the plant defense system.
Job history
2020 - 2023
PhD student
INRAE, Unité Mixte de Recherche Interactions Arbres/Microorganismes (UMR IAM), NANCY, France -
2022 - 2022
Visiting PhD student
Cyril Zipfel's research group, University of Zürich (UZH), Switzerland -
2021 - 2021
Visiting PhD student
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Canada -
2018 - 2020
MSc Student in Integrative Biology and Physiology
Université de Paris, France -
2020 - 2020
Master's Internship, 2nd year
Institut des Plantes de Paris-Saclay (IPS2)/INRAE, PARIS, France -
2019 - 2019
Master's Internship, 1st year
ETH Zurich, Switzerland -
2017 - 2017
Research Assistant in Plant Physiology
University of Sydney/Plant Breeding Institute in Narrabri and Camden, Australia -
2016 - 2016
Research Assistant in Wheat Breeding
Agroscope Changins, Switzerland