TSL brand guidelines
Scroll down to download different formats of the TSL Logo
Please contact Communications Manager mia.cerfonteyn@tsl.ac.uk for a copy of our brand guidelines.

About The Sainsbury Laboratory
The Sainsbury Laboratory (tsl.ac.uk) is an independent research institute that focuses on plant health for a sustainable future. It makes fundamental scientific discoveries in molecular plant-microbe interactions and applies these to reduce crop losses caused by plant diseases, particularly in low-income countries. Around one hundred and twenty staff and students work and study at the Laboratory which is located on the Norwich Research Park, United Kingdom. The Laboratory is generously supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and by the University of East Anglia, wins competitive grants from the BBSRC, ERC and other research grant funding bodies and, for some research programmes, is funded by commercial companies. Established in 1987, highlights of The Sainsbury Laboratory include: discovery of RNA interference in plants by Prof. Sir David Baulcombe FRS as recognised by the Lasker Award and the Wolf Prize in Agriculture, discovery of the first immune receptor in plants by Prof. Jonathan Jones FRS, three current Group Leaders are Fellows of the Royal Society, four Group Leaders have won multiple prestigious European Research Council grants and five researchers have been on the Highly Cited Researchers list of top 1% scientists in the world since 2018.
TSL Logos

Use of the enhanced logo with our strapline is preferred if there is enough space for the text to be easily read.
The following graphic files are available for the TSL Core and Enhanced logos. These logos should not be altered or recoloured.
The blue used in our branding and in our logo is RGB 42 83 149.
Please contact mia.cerfonteyn@tsl.ac.uk for other file specifications.
Click links below to open images in a new tab/window from where they can be saved (right click, save as).
1. jpg – blue on white background
a. original core logo 1,300 x 712
b. enhanced logo 1,300 x 951
2. png – blue, white or black on transparent background
a. original core logo 1,300 x 712
b. enhanced logo 1,300 x 951
a. original core logo 1,300 x 712
b. enhanced logo 1,300 x 951
a. original core logo 1,300 x 712
b. enhanced logo 1,300 x 951
The Enhanced or Core logo is preferred, but a landscape version of our logo can be used when there are certain design constraints.

We recommend the Landscape Logo when there is limited vertical space and you would like the TSL strapline to be included.
1. jpg – blue on white background
2. png – blue, white or black on transparent background